Yoga Teacher Training in English in Eindhoven – 200 hours – currently online


Continue on your voyage of self-discovery with a 200-hour Registered Teacher Training Programme (RYS Registered 200-hour training with Yoga Alliance).  More about the teachers on Art Awake Yoga.

Yoga Teacher Training EindhovenWhat yoga is, where it comes from, the 8 limbs of yoga. Introduction to the Yoga Sutra and Samkhya philosophy. The subtle energy system, functional yoga anatomy and physiology. Sound and mantra, meditation, Ayurveda.  How to teach and construct a balanced yoga class. An introduction to Vinyasa Flow and a modern, safe approach to Hot Yoga. Importantly, you will develop a personal yoga practice to continue adapting for life.

Come with your questions! Think about what questions you would like answered! Be curious. We encourage your participation in this interactive programme on every level. Suggested reading before starting, How Yoga Works by Geshe Michael Roach.

What do I need  to apply?

  • You are already practicing yoga,
  • you seek a balanced introduction to the tools of yoga.
  • you are interested in where traditional yoga and science meet
  • you want to gain perspective and develop personal practice,
  • you want to share the tools of yoga in individual /group settings.


This is an intimate and quality training. Only 9 places available check with us when the next training is starting. Let us know of your interest to participate in the next training – starting Spring 2021.

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